Heroic Characteristics In The Alchemist 

-The Alchemist tells the story of a shepherd boy named Santiago who sells all of his sheep so he can travel through the hot, sunny, dry desert in search of a treasure located at the Egyptian Pyramids. Santiago is a hero because he believed in himself. At times, he wanted to go back to being a shepherd but instead he continued to look for his treasure. Sometimes a hero has to sacrifice things, Santiago sells all of his sheep just so he can go look for a treasure and achieve a goal. This makes him heroic towards himself because he gave up something to go find a treasure that he wasn't even sure if it existed! Also, Santiago never gave up:
"Throughout the night, the boy dug at the place he had chosen, but found nothing. He felt weighted down by the centuries of time since the Pyramids had been built. But he didn't stop. He struggled to continue digging as he fought the wind, which often blew the sand back into the excavation. His hands we abraded and exhausted, but he listened to his hear. It had told him to dig where his tears fell." 
Another way that he is a hero is that he cares so much about Fatima, a girl that he met on his journey.You have to be very caring and loving to be a hero. He doesn’t want to leave her because he fears that he will not be able to come back and he does not want to leave her alone. He also casres about her enough to say that he wants to marry her. 
" 'I'm going to wait here for you every day. I have crossed the desert in search of treasure that is somewhere near the Pyramids, and for me, the war is a curse. But now it's a blessing, because it brought me to you.' " 

On his long journey he meets a crystal merchant and decides to work for him so he can earn some money. He shows his leadership skills to the merchant which makes him a hero. He helps the merchant sell more crystal by building him a shelf to attract more customers. He also suggests selling tea so then when customers come and drink the tea, they will realize that they like the crystal glasses and want to buy them to. You also have to be very wise to be a hero. When Santiago meets an old man, who turns out to be a king, the man says this to him,
" 'It's this: that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie.' " 
The old king is very wise which makes him a hero.